In the series of our Hospitality Photography blogs, this article will educate the luxury hotels, boutique hotels and Airbnb owners regarding the advantages of professional resort photographs or hotel photographs.

Being in Hospitality business it is a must to showcase your resort and the experiences you’re going to offer to guests.

Yes, Resort Photographs Can Boost Bookings!

Getting people to interact with your brand on different platforms takes time and patience, but can be an effective marketing tool when deployed correctly. The way businesses are using content as part of their inbound marketing strategies is evolving. People have always loved to see a well-curated photo or video, thus these are new opportunities to generate leads.

With professional resort photographs, you can supercharge your sales funnel and can help your business with its marketing.

Hospitality Photography in Jaipur

Before hiring a professional photographer for hotel or resort photography there are a few important things that you shall tick off the list. We have mentioned some points to keep in mind while getting the photos clicked.

Crafting a Distinct Brand Identity for Your Resort

Some preparations should be made before the photographer arrives to capture images of your luxury resort or hotel from your end. Let’s begin with a simple activity, write down the answers to these two questions. They will serve as a roadmap to the whole mission.

Question 1: What is the Identity you want to create through your Brand?

Question 2: What’s so unique about your Resort/Hotel/Airbnb?

Once you answer these, then you will be better able to share with the photographer what your aim is and get the most out of the investment you are making. Keeping the answers in mind, capture amazing resort photographs

Hotel photography services in Jaipur

Variety is The Spice of Life

resort photography services in India

Ensure all the features and amenities are being photographed by the photographer you are going to hire.  In order to get any multi-purpose space clicked. It shall be set prior to being photographed to display the variety of purposes that space can serve. Ask them if the space is functional, organised, and thoroughly cleaned before the shot.

If any area requires some particular styling to be clicked, then ask them to do the arrangements.

This will convince your guests and ensure they are going to have a luxurious stay with all things they need. Creating a snug ambiance with fashionable fabric choices will tempt guests to take advantage of your room services.

Marie Kondo’s Method

Resort Photography in Delhi

Ask your housekeeping team to clean and arrange all the areas of the resort be it rooms, lounge, pool area, etc. Keep the elements that add beauty to the frame and remove those that don’t.

We could not stress enough upon the fact that washrooms are a key factor for guests to do the bookings. Always keep one housekeeping staff tagged along with the photographer to solve any cleaning issue there and then.

Moreover, keep all the departments of your resort in the loop as it will quicken the whole photography process. 

If any other prop is missing to make a space more lively and functional then place it. Make it a team project and explain staff members the purpose and need of the shoot. This will bring more guests and consequently good incentives.

We Eat With Our Eyes First

Hospitality Photography in Rajasthan

You must understand that the dining experience starts long before the first bite. Hence, showcase your culinary creations in a way that promises an unforgettable dining experience.

The food preparation and plating shall visually tantalise guests from the very beginning. If there are any local delicacies, make sure to get them clicked as well to share the experience of food and drinks you’re going to offer them.

Moreover, you can include other aspects to display the rich culture and heritage of your state or country to guests. This will explain to you that the Food Photography is equally important for your resort bookings.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Hotel Photography services in Udaipur

While the photography session is going, be there or appoint a housekeeping staff to shadow the photography team so if there is any need it can be dealt ASAP. She/he shall switch lights and snatch the curtain in order to let the maximum lights in.

Plus, an authoritative person who can communicate and command all the departments per the needs of the shoot.

If budget allows, bring onboard an interior stylist to enhance the space, making the property look more aesthetically desirable.

Be A Local Guide

Resort Photography in India

You can share the story behind the theme and story of establishing the resort your vision that can be incorporated in photos.

Ask the professional photographer to spin a story and while capturing your resort but also add other nearby tourist attractions, to put it on social media or the resort’s website. This will draw in a larger number of guests to your resort.

Per Stats

resort & Hotel photography

To give you a clearer picture of the above mentioned points we have attached some stats. According to data collected in 2022, following points are seen as a trend and impact of getting hospitality photography done by a professional.

  1.       Hike in Booking: Per VFM Leonardo, resort or hotels having high-quality photographs achieved 63% more bookings than those having low-quality ones.
  2.       Visibility and Engagement Online: Those who list professionally clicked resort photographs were likely to receive more engagement and views on booking portals namely,, Airbnb and Expedia.
  3.       Increase in Room Rates: The resorts hired professional hospitality photographers were able to increase their rooms price by 44%., per Fstoppers’s survey.  


In conclusion, professional resort photographs is an indispensable asset for resorts, luxury hotels, boutique hotels and Airbnb. To ensure a successful hospitality photography project, keep in mind the key considerations shared above.

Maintain a strong presence on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, with a simple and catchy account name that guests can easily find and tag.

It’s not just about showcasing your physical space but also about conveying your brand identity, uniqueness, and the experience you offer to potential guests.

In the competitive world of hospitality, professional resort photographs and a strong online presence are essential for success.

Also Read: Mastering Hotel Photography : Tips and Techniques
